Thursday, September 6, 2007

Reach Millions of Readers

You, like many aspiring writers, may dream of seeing your name in print. You may fantasize about your book hitting the NY Times bestseller’s list or long lines of adoring fans lining up for your first book signing.

You want to get your message across to millions of readers. So naturally you should write a book, right?

Wrong. According to Harper’s Index, of the 1,446,000 books published last year, only 483 sold more than 100,000 copies. Compare this to the number top selling magazine which had a verified circulation of over 2 ¼ million readers.

So, when you want to reach a large audience with your message, think magazines. Magazine articles can establish you as an authority in a field which may evolve into the name recognition necessary to pave the way to a best selling book. Or, they can simply provide a platform to reach millions of readers with your message.

And, if you want to learn how to write great articles, check out my course.

Carol Thomas, Write Magazine Articles That Sell!

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