Friday, August 24, 2007

Start your writing journey here

Remember when you got your first job? Were you nervous? Afraid you’d deep-fry the wrong vegetable or lock yourself in a storage closet?

Even if you weren’t nervous about your first job in the working world, perhaps you’re nervous about your new job—writing. After all, it takes a lot to stand in front of one’s peers and announce bravely, “Yes, I’m a writer!” You may get strange looks, comments about how you’ve never taken an English class in your life and hordes of people wondering why you want to become a writer.

Ignore all of that. Join a writing community, enroll in a workshop, pester your librarians by checking out every writing book your library offers. And then…write. Write something every day whether it be a journal entry, a grocery list arranged as a poem or a short story. Write something. Repeat. Do this every day and before you know it, you won’t be a wannabe writer—you’ll be a real writer.

For a while, I was that wannbe writer. I read every writing book, proclaimed my love of writing, but I didn’t write. Then, I took a writing class and boom! A writer emerged from the reader. I started with magazine articles for tiny publications that paid in copies, moved up to magazines that paid a few dollars and finally reached the glossy mags that paid and provided copies. Was I insanely talented? Nope. Did I study with famous writers in residence? No, again. I worked hard and wrote often. I’ve been writing full time for five years and magazines trickled into books and the journey never stops for a writer. The options truly are endless!

Need help getting started? Join us and start your writing journey today! We’re only a click away.

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