Friday, October 26, 2007

The Power of Writers’ Conferences

I’ve recently returned from the Glorieta Christian Writers Conference, near Santa Fe, NM, where I was able to get face to face with editors and agents. In addition to the many classes on topics of interest to writers, attendees had the opportunity to meet one-on-one with those in the industry. Somewhat like speed dating, I guess, we had fifteen minutes to pitch our stuff to an editor or agent before the whistle blew, indicating that our time was up. Nine appointments back-to-back gave me whiplash, but was a wonderful opportunity to see what editors and agents are looking for.

This was my third time to this conference, and it was great to reconnect with those I had met before or people I’ve chatted with in online writers groups. Now the hard work begins as I send my book proposal to editors and agents who asked to see it, and as I write articles to send to editors I met. However, instead of sending my writings unsolicited, I can now add the coveted “Requested Materials” to the outside of the envelope or in the subject line of email submissions.

If you’re serious about writing, I urge you to attend writers’ conferences. The contacts you make and the information you gain can be just what it takes to put your writing career into high gear.

Anita C. Lee, instructor for “Your Life, Your Story”
Personal Life Coach, Speaker, and Writer
"Helping You Become the Person You Were Created to Be"


Jessica Ferguson said...

I've always wanted to attend the Glorieta Conference. This year I went to ACFW because it was in Dallas and all my crit partners went. Next year ACFW will be in Minneapolis. I don't plan to go so I'll be looking for another conference to attend. I was thinking of something in Florida. Since you used to live there...
got any suggestions?

Anita C. Lee said...

Jess, I've only been to the Glorieta conference (3 times) since it's so close. I've heard the Florida conference is good. It's best to know what you're looking for in a conference before you sign up. Some have opportunities to meet and "pitch" to editors and agents, others are more for learning the craft and meeting other writers. Good luck!